Online Session
The body and the mind are not separate from each other. The body is constantly feeding the mind with all the external and internal signals coming in through our senses and the mind is constantly sending reports, ideas, comments, and commands to the body so that we are able to survive.
Our body and our mind are not separate until we consciously bypass the body/mind unit and connect with our inner I, the innate, the inborn. Without the body/mind's strong identity, we can ask our inner self. “Who Am I and what do I need?” "What do I want and am able to provide for myself now?"
I offer help in person and via Zoom, providing unique sessions implementing different modalities. In both cases, what I do first is show up and listen to your innate, the wisdom that is inside all of us. I bypass the brain, the mind, and our conditioning and help bring back the lost connection. Every session is unique and helps bring back balance & harmony of the body/mind equilibrium. I help to reorganize the operating system and induce your new self-healing blueprint, the momentum of believing, allowing, trusting, and living in harmony with your inner self. My sessions also bring manifesting love, joy & happiness to the surface and allow you to connect with your inner strength, power, and light - your empowered YOU.